Midwest Pagan Council



Thank you for your interest in joining the Midwest Pagan Council.

To give you a little history, in the early 1970’s a number of covens across the Midwest joined together to provide events where pagans could come together in a safe place to commune with nature, with the God and the Goddess, and each other. Their coming together was the beginning of the Midwest Pagan Council. The Council has both groups and solitaires involved, and welcomes interest from both for joining.

The Council has sponsored both indoor and outdoor events in the past. The Council ran a one-day event akin to a Picnic at a forest preserve for several years in the past. As well as an indoor festival called Invocation, that ran for 6-years. Last August we hosted the 42nd Annual Pan Pagan Festival, a week long, outdoor event. Pan Pagan Festival is the longest continuous running pagan festival in the Country.

At this time, the Council is looking for both groups and solitaires who are interested in helping to bring pagans together. We’re interested in potentially having help in continuing to run Pan Pagan Festival, but also new events as well – Indoor events and/or one-day events.

The Council has three different types of membership.

Active members attend meetings regularly, and are the backbone of support when it comes to putting on events both for conception, organization, and working during the event. After attending three consecutive meetings, Active members receive voting rights.

Associate members attend meetings when time and life permits. While they are willing to help the council, they are not always present at meetings or events.

Supportive members are individuals and groups that help support the Council’s work in the form of free advertising, positive publicity in newsletters, blogs and on social media, and might attend events and give workshops but they do not generally attend meetings or weigh in for conception and organization of events.

Just to clarify, for attending meetings we mean in person at the meeting location or electronically attending meetings via Skype/Google Hangouts. With the beauty of technology, remoting into a meeting does count as attending a meeting.

The Council meets every six to eight weeks, and generally sets up two meetings in advance where possible.

If you, or your group, is interested in joining the Council, please email the Council requesting to join, with which membership level you are interested in. If you are unsure of what to write, please contact us and we will be happy to send you a template letter. The Council reviews all membership requests at next meeting after the request has been received.

Our email address is: midwestpagancouncil@gmail.com