Midwest Pagan Council


Join the Council

Do you, and/or your group, have a passion for sharing traditions, knowledge, and unity within the Pagan community? Do you, and/or your group, live in the Midwest? Than you might be perfect to join the Council!

The Council is open to both Solitares and Covens for membership.


The Council has three types of Membership. Please see here for more information regarding the differences between them.

Do I have to be from the Chicago area to join?

No! While the original start of the Council was Pagan groups in the Chicago area, we are the Midwest Pagan Council. We have had groups from Indiana and Michigan as part of the Council, and we would love have some from those areas again! We are open to groups from Missouri and Wisconsin as well.

Traveling to a Council Meeting is a long trip for me, is there another way to be at the meeting without the travel?

Absolutely! We understand that for groups, in different cities and states, attending a meeting can be hard; between making the time, the hours on the road, and the gas costs. This is why we encourage any Council member that isn't close to where the meetings are held to Skype into the meeting.

And yes, Skyping into a meeting does count as attending the meeting.

The Council doesn't currently host events in my area, why should I join?

To change that. It's harder to host events in a city, or state, when none of the members of the Council are from that area. In order to change that, and expand the reach of our events, we need your help. So join today, and we can work together to host, or co-host, an event in your area.

How do I apply for Membership?

Send a letter requesting to join the Council, stating the membership level you are interested in, to the Council. If you are unsure of what to write, please contact us, and we will be happy to send you a template letter.

Midwest Pagan Council
P.O. Box 491
Berwyn, IL 60402

or email: midwestpagancouncil@gmail.com